5 Ways to Leverage Video as a Small Business

Everyone tells you to make sure video content is included in your small business marketing strategy, but no one ever tells you how to use it to its full advantage. Video content allows you to grow your audience, engage with current customers, and showcase your brand as a whole. Get the most out of your video content with these Bubbly Creative tips!

#1 Showcase your product or service

Creating video content that shows off what you do will help you engage customers both new and old. Videos can include:

  • How-to Demonstrations 

  • Product Demos

  • Customer Testimonials

If you feel as though you don’t have enough content from current customers, you can explore using influencers to produce engaging content surrounding your products and services. UGC creators are a great option because they provide authentic feedback and experiences which customers love to see.

#2 Show off Behind-the-scenes (BTS)

Give yourself, your team, and your space some camera time! Customers love to see what is going on behind the scenes of their favorite businesses. It allows them to get to know the people they are supporting and an inside scoop on how their favorite products and services are created. 

Begin by introducing yourself and your story. Who are you and how did your business come to be? Then, have your customers meet the team by highlighting your employees. Personal connections with customers can help increase engagement. A “day in the life” video could be a perfect choice to combine these introductions and feature the back end of your business.

#3 Improve SEO/Increase brand awareness by improving SEO

Improve your SEO by including text within your videos in addition to captions. You can also edit the transcript of your video and include catchy titles to grab users’ attention. Be sure to use relevant keywords your customers may use when looking for related products and services. 

As much as Instagram and TikTok are social media platforms, they are also becoming search engines for many users. We often turn to TikTok for recommendations before Google, and that’s okay! Just make sure to optimize your videos for each platform you post them on. Turning up in these search results will show your brand off to more potential customers. 

#4 Engage with your audience

Video content can help encourage more engagement from your audience on social media. End your video with a question or a call to action. Respond to any comments on your post to create an interactive user experience on your business profile. 

#5 Repurpose content

Are you struggling to come up with ideas for your video content? Repurpose content you already have! Any blog posts and infographics can be turned into videos to deliver information to your audience in a different way. 

If filming video content is taking up too much of your time, film batches of content to be used more than once – it’ll be ready to use whenever you need it! Any long-form videos can be repurposed for different platforms. One longer video can be uploaded to YouTube, be clipped for short-form video content on other social media platforms such as Instagram or TikTok, or even become a podcast. Any of these videos can also be included on your website to create a more engaging experience for visitors.

If you’re looking to improve your video content or struggling to get started, we would love to help. Reach out today, let’s chat!


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