5 Ways to Leverage Blog Content

Blogs can be a powerful asset in your business’ marketing plan. They serve as informative content but can be used for so much more like enhancing your online presence, better engaging your audience, and driving overall growth for your business. In this blog, we’ll explore five ways to leverage blog content to help boost your business. 

Showcase Industry Expertise

Blogs are a great way to share information. Use your blog as a platform to showcase your industry expertise. Share your knowledge and insights through in-depth analysis of your industry, notable trends, and forecasts within your niche. By consistently and publicly sharing valuable industry content, you are establishing your business as a reliable resource for information in your field! 

Share Local Knowledge

Within your blogs, write about local events, initiatives, and partnerships your business is participating in to show your commitment to the local community. People love supporting local businesses – make sure to let them know you’re not only one of them but supporting them too! Additionally, incorporating local keywords will boost your location-based SEO, improving your blog’s visibility in local search results and attracting nearby potential customers.

Inform Your Social Content

We are all about repurposing content! Don’t just allow your blogs to live on your website, use them to inform your social content. Share any key takeaways, important infographics, and even snippets of the blog across your business’ social platforms to drive traffic back to your website. 

Oftentimes, blogs are listicles. If this is the case, you can use one blog to inform a large portion of your upcoming social media planning. A blog sharing 4 of your favorite local coffee shops, for example, can be turned into 5 different posts: one general post sharing all four coffee shops, and one post for each of the four, which go into more detail. These could be static images or video content. 

To stretch content even further, you can use your video content to inform your blog content. Transcribe your video content and post it as a blog. This is especially great for interviews and Q&As, but can work for many things!

Showcase Employees

Are you running low on industry content ideas for your blog? Try featuring your employees! Use employee spotlights to highlight their experiences and expertise, as well as their specific contributions to your business’ success. Not only will this boost your credibility as a business in terms of your team’s skills, but it will also humanize your brand. Customers love to see the faces behind the businesses they are supporting. Let your audience get to know you and form more personal connections to improve their overall experience with you and your business. 

Improve SEO

Relevant keywords in your blog content, blog headings, photo descriptions, and meta descriptions can help improve SEO. In addition to keywords, make sure you are linking to other pages on your website (and to other reliable sources, too!) within your blog. This will help boost your SEO and keep your audience engaged. 

If you’re still looking to level up and further leverage your blog content, contact Bubbly Creative today. We’d love to help you maximize the impact of your blogs in your overall marketing strategy!


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